Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Excuse me miss, your camel toe is showing

I just wanted to share this with my beautiful healthy girlfriends and guy friends you can go ahead and take a gander at this train wreck. I know it may sound mean but seriously is this what a hot girl is suppose to look like now a days? Someone give this girl some rice and beans and some pernil (fatty spanish food) and take away the nose candy, please. When you vagina starts to look like a 80 year old women's vag and is hanging out of the sides of your underwear, then maybe it's time to eat a sandwich or two and close up shop. This pic was in an issue of NYLON magazine, which she was on the cover.

An old post from my facebook page.


  1. I kinda like this train wreck, she's entertaining. I'm just waiting on the OD... she's so sad.
